Refund Information
Financial aid refunds are processed within 14 days of the Financial Aid Office disbursing aid to your student account.
Roster verification must be completed for your registered sessions and all your tuition, fees, and charges must be covered for your refund to be processed. Also, undergraduates must be enrolled in at least six (graduate students must be enrolled in at least five) credit hours during the first session to receive your refund prior to the beginning of the second session.
You will not have access to your refund until after the semester has started.
Refund Details
- All refunds will be issued by BankMobile. Students can choose to have their refund deposited to an existing account or to a BankMobile Vibe checking account. Visit the Wolves Card Office BankMobile page to learn more.
- Review the 博彩平台推荐/BankMobile Contract.
- For more information regarding the disbursement of refunds review our Refunds FAQs below.
- To contact the Office of Student Accounts and Billing Services regarding your refund, please email us at
Spring 2025 Refunds estimated processing dates:
Full Term, ARC, Session I, eCore Full Session, eCore Short Session I, eMajor Full Session, eMajor Short Session I, Georgia Film Academy, WebMBA, and European Union on February 12.
Session II on March 26.
eCore Short Session II, and eMajor Short Session II on March 31.
Fall 2024 Refunds are estimated to begin processing for:
Full Term (1), Session I (F), eCore Full Session (G01), eCore Session I (G02), eMajor Full Session (E01), eMajor Session I (E02), Georgia Film Academy (GFA), European Union (U01), and WebMBA (W) to begin processing on September 12.
Refunds for Session II (S) to begin processing October 29.
eCore Session II (G03) and eMajor Session II (E03) on November 5.
If you dropped or changed your courses during the drop/add period, your courses were cancelled, canceled or changed your meal plan, canceled your housing, and you are due a refund, the refund will be processed to your BankMobile refund preference once your student account is updated. There will be no refund for courses dropped after the end of the drop/add period unless the course meets for the first time after drop/add period.
If you decide not to attend 博彩平台推荐 for a semester for which you have registered and have paid your tuition/fees, you must drop or withdraw from all of your courses on Self-Service Banner. If you need additional assistance go the Momentum Center. Once your withdrawal has been processed, then your refund can be processed.
Refunds will be based on a proportional percentage determined by the number of calendar days in the Semester that the student completed along with the total number of calendar days in a Semester. The unearned portion shall be refunded up to the 60% point in time. Students who withdraw after the 60% point in time are not entitled to a refund of charges.
Financial Aid Recipients who decide not to attend and have financial aid, which covers all or a part of their bill, will be obligated to repay the financial aid award if they do not withdraw from the University with the Registrar’s Office or if they do not withdraw during the 100% withdrawal period.
If you are expecting a refund for the current semester, you should refer to the Important Dates and Deadlines calendar.
Refunds are generated after the Financial Aid Office has disbursed your financial aid money to your student account and after all your tuition, fees, and charges have been paid.
博彩平台推荐 issues all refunds through BankMobile.
In order to meet Federal Regulations all refunds will be credited back to Federal Title IV programs, State programs, Private and Institutional programs in the following order: Direct Student Loan, Federal Perkins Loan, Direct Plus Loan, Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG, other Title IV assistance, State Programs, and Private/Institutional Programs. Any refund remaining after these programs have been satisfied will go to the student.
Dear 博彩平台推荐 Students,
We cannot thank you enough for your patience as we work through new processes. In response to guidance provided by the University System of Georgia (USG), the University of West Georgia will implement a Student Refund Plan for students who have paid fees for the Spring 2020 semester. This includes housing, dining, and other appropriate fees. Please see more details below.
What will be refunded?
博彩平台推荐 will issue partial refunds to students required to move out of on-campus housing and those who no longer have access to dining services. Other fees will be prorated and refunded.
- Housing plans refunds will be prorated using March 16 as the last date of service.
- Meal plans will be prorated using March 16 as the last date of service. Dining Dollars will be refunded based on the unused amount remaining on the student’s meal account as of March 16.
- Portions of mandatory fees will be prorated. These include the Activity Fee and Transportation Fee.
- Study Abroad fees for spring and summer trips will be refunded.
- Miscellaneous fees that will be refunded:
- Education Practicum
- Education UTeach Practicum
- Education Student Teaching Internship
- Sport Management Event
- Sport Management
- Sport Management Seminar/Internship Fees
- Intramural participation
- Music lockers
- Campus Center guest passes
- University Recreation personal training
- Per the guidance of the University System of Georgia, refunds will not be provided for fees committed to debt service obligations such as the Athletic Complex Fee and Campus Center Fee.
- Refunds will not be provided for the Student Health Fee as the Student Health Center will continue to serve students for the remainder of the spring semester.
- Refunds will not be provided for the Technology Fee or Special Institutional Fee, as these remain critical in supporting continuity of instruction and associated support, and these fees are assessed to on-campus and online students.
- Refunds will not be provided for the Athletics Fee or the International Education Fee as these fees support student scholarships and other supporting functions.
How will I receive my refund?
Refunds that result in a credit balance on a student’s account will be sent to the student via BankMobile. All students can update their BankMobile refund selection method by visiting
Fees incurred because of intramural participation, music lockers, Campus Center guest passes, and University Recreation personal training will be refunded by a paper check. If you have any of these charges, please make sure you update any incorrect address information on your Self-Service Banner account no later than Sunday, March 29.
When will I receive my refund?
We anticipate refunds being sent to BankMobile on or around March 31 (April 10 for Study Abroad fees). Paper checks will be distributed beginning March 31. Thank you for your continued patience as we work through this unprecedented situation as quickly as possible.
Is it possible that I won't receive a refund?
You will not receive a refund if:
- You did not originally pay the fee now being refunded.
- You owe a balance for Spring 2020. The refund will be applied to the balance before a refund is disbursed. Please note that if your fees were waived, you will not receive a refund.
To be fair to you and your family, we have to get this right. To be caring, we have to understand the hassle you are going through with moving out and other major adjustments. It’s a challenging experience with the disruption of services, and our hope is not to add any additional stress to this situation.
Please let us know how we can help. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the 博彩平台推荐 Office of Student Accounts and Billing Services by calling (678) 839-4737 or emailing
Thank you.
The University of West Georgia Tier One (T1) Arrangement with BankMobile